Anna Kostylova personal portfolio 

Anna Kostylova personal portfolio 

Activia Cases

The challenge: to develop a long-lasting brand platform for Activia, considering that Danone was signing a contract with a national celebrity, Masha Efrosinina. 
Solution: We combined Masha's image indicators, the product benefits, and the image attributes of Activia, with an insight we discovered about Ukrainian women: It turned out they were not buying Activia because they perceived it as an expensive and self-indulgent treat. Ukrainian society values putting the care of loved ones first.

A culture-changing move: we built the campaign on the philosophy of self-love: you should care about yourself first. Only by being happy can you effectively care for your nearest and dearest....the research agency was genuinely impressed with the high results of idea testing and the relevance of the insight. The result: Sales increased by 65% from Q3'15 to Q3'16, 35 percentage points higher than planned. The market share increased from 18.9% to 22.2%.The idea proved so compelling that the platform lasted for years.

Activia "Happy Woman" TVC

Activia 14-days challenge

Activia 14 days challenge
The 14-day challenge was a recurring promo by Activia, designed to contribute to both the tactical and strategic goals of the brand.

My team and I were responsible for developing the mechanics, creative concept, and creative materials for the challenge.

Activia Drink&GO Challenge: To launch a groundbreaking product in the Ukrainian market - a yogurt packaged in a container resembling a coffee cup. Solution: Drawing inspiration from street fashion, we created an image of a trendy woman on the move, holding activia like a cup of coffee. We merged health and the urban lifestyle to create a unique and appealing concept. Results: The product launch was a resounding success. Activia Drink'n'Go quickly became a fashionable and healthy accessory for urban women. As a result, the client decided to expand and develop this product line further. *Dubbed with AI for portfolio purposes.

Activia Drink&Go

Activia 14-days summer challenge

Activia 14 days summer challenge The 14-day challenge was a recurring promo by Activia, designed to contribute to both the tactical and strategic goals of the brand.

My team and I were responsible for developing the mechanics, creative concept, and creative materials for the challenge.

*Dubbed with AI for portfolio purposes.

Activia with chia

Activia with chia

Activia with vegetables

Activia with vegetables