DONUT Philosophyor how to make a donut the religion of success

Full Frame Lab X Powerplant 


● Positioning
● Branding
● Creative strategy
● Creative execution

Pleasure first. Donut first

Donut cafe in Kyiv Downton. Where people think about success, not about pleasure. So we decided: pleasure leads to happiness, which drives success. And developed Donut Philosophy: Pleasure first. Donut first. 

"First Donut, then - effectiveness. They say happy people attract money" 


"First Donut, then - negotiations. They say happy people find the common language easier"


"Once, Anna-Maria Pistachio has witnessed the Great Bumblebee. Donut philosophy opened up to her. She got 10 years younger and married the son of her friend. We don’t know how much younger you’ll become when you eat this donut with pistachio creme covered with white chocolate… but even if 5 minutes younger - will be good. the way, the say that the coconut donut of luck Churchill himself carried in his pocket." 


"Cosmically tasty; Everyone has to find his/her donut; Don't hide your donut; how to pump up success in 10 min? Eat donut. Become happier" 


Donut first. Pleasure first


Why to run somewhere is there's no pleasure? 
