awards, talks, publications

In my career so far, I have won 9 Effie awards, 5 Effie shortlists, and 2 partners' Effies. I have given many talks on innovative and strategic approaches to marketing and creative communication. Advertisements and films I have worked on have been featured in various industry publications. 

selected publications and talks     

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    Yahoo Japan 2022by Koichi Kawajiri

    Koichi Kawajiri is a Tokyo-based journalist specializing in advertising, who has been covering Cannes Lions for more than 15 years. He wrote an article about my campaign. 

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    Established in 1984, legendary Lürzer's Archive magazine curates exceptional ad campaigns in print, TV, and other media from all over the world. "War Belongs to Museums" was not only chosen for the Cannes Lions Festival, but also featured in Lürzer's Archive.

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    Returning invited speaker for the leading FMCG industry conference

    Talked about effective creativity, building campaigns with celebrities, brand strategy, innovation, and trends in the creative and marketing industry; how to use emotions while creating advertising strategies and campaigns.

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    Organizers of Effie Ukraine invited me to talk about a shortlisted case that my team and I created for the Zhyvynka by Danone brand. I talked about the strategies we used to revive a brand that seemed to be dead through the effective use of emotions.

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    Presentation at Cannes Film Festival

    A short film of my screenplay Yin and What to Do with It was featured at the short film corner at the Cannes Film Festival. I presented as part of the Ukrainian delegation.

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    The publication of the leading professional organization Retail Association of Ukrainian is one of many that have featured work created by my team and me. The publication recognized a campaign for the "Morshynska" bottled water brand as among the best Ukrainian campaigns of the year, alongside such brands as Coca-Cola, Under Armor, and Guinness.

selected awards

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    We developed a communication platform, a new bottle design, and a print campaign featuring Olympic champions for the Morshynska brand. This successful creative advertising campaign made the brand fashionable, modern and relevant. As a result, sales growth has exceeded the plan by 40% and the market share has increased by 1.5 times.

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    In our campaign for Morshynska, the right choice of brand ambassadors, brand message, and execution was the key to our success. Brand attributes have yielded results that exceeded all expectations: the brand has become inspiring, action-oriented, modern, fashionable, and relevant.

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    Partners' Effie (Carat Agency)Bronze. 2018

    On the basis of an idea developed by me and my team, a mobile app with AR (augmented reality) was created to advance the Danone Rastishka brand. As a result, the client's market share grew, and a database of 350,000 regular users of the app was built.

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    For the Activia Danone brand, we developed a creative platform and integrated a top celebrity into our marketing strategy. Sales increased 65% from Q3'15 to Q3'16, 35 percentage points higher than planned. Market share increased from 18.9% to 22.2%.

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    For the Danone Zhyvinka brand, we created TV, Digital, Point of Sale Marketing, and Out of Home Advertising deliverables. As a result, the brand saw increases in sales, market share, and other business indicators much higher than anticipated.

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    In this compelling campaign, real employees of a small local chicken producer starred in the video and Out of Home advertising, This helped elevate the brand into a national favorite: sales grew by 4% in Q2'16 compared to Q2'15, the share of total production volume (MS) increased by +7 percentage points in Q2'16 compared to Q2'15. In market research on the brand, "The safest chicken" image attribute grew from 48% to 59%, "High quality of the brand justifies a higher cost compared to other brands" has grown to 59% from 51%, “Is trustworthy" grew to 73% from 66%.

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    Partners' Effie. Bronze. 2016OMD Media Direction Ukraine

    Based on a creative platform developed by my team and me, a campaign for a leading chicken producer was created. We successfully helped establish the message that the Nasha Riaba brand is subject to the strictest quality control procedures.

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    In the campaign for the Nasha Riaba chicken brand, we took the innovative approach of treating employees of the company as celebrities. This compelling concept brought results (see above).

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    Effie shortlist. 2014Non alcoholic drinks

    Despite the revolution and the war, Morshynska successfully fulfilled goals as a result of our communication efforts in 2014. Market share increased by 0.7 percentage points; the number of regular users increased by 0.1 percentage points; the number of consumers who drank Morshynska in the last 30 days exceeded the previous year's result by 1.0 percentage points.

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    Our campaign for the mobile operator life:) increased Key Performance Indicators beyond expectations. The "The best rates for mobile Internet" image attribute rose to 49% and the "Number 1 brand for smartphones" image attribute rose to 46%.

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    Our "World of Communication" creative platform for life:) mobile operator drove rapid growth. life:) increased its revenue by 17.4%, its subscriber base by 6.45%, and its market share by 2% during the period of the campaign. A number of rational and emotional brand attributes rose considerably.

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    Our campaign for the Travel life:) mobile operator led to increased revenue and traffic. The number of subscribers increased by 100%, revenue increased by 21%, and Internet traffic increased 2.4 times compared to the previous year.

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    Our campaign for life:) mobile operator's "Simply cheaper" rate exceeded expectations. The subscriber base grew by 40%, far above the target of 10% growth. Monthly connections rose by 200-300% over the same period in the previous year.

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    Our campaign for the life:) mobile operator, "life:) abroad" rate plan was recognized for quality."

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    Our campaign for the life:) mobile operator, "life:) crazy day" rate plan was intended to increase the sales of the plan by 10% in the 3rd quarter compared to the 2nd quarter of 2012. Our results exceeded these benchmarks: comparing September and August 2012, sales rose 16%, and the number of life:) mobile Internet users increased by 10%, reaching over 1 million customers. 

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    Our campaign for the BNP Paribas Bank in the Kyiv Subway was recognized for its high quality.