Kvitna Charity. New day in your schedule

Creative platform and creative campaigns 

  • Illustration

    Ukrainian women usually skillfully perform all social duties but often forget about their personal health. The tradition of getting an annual mammogram is very weak. This leads to frightening numbers of deaths from breast cancer.That's why we came up with the M-day concept. We said: choose any day of the year when you have the right to skip all your duties. Even those that are the most important, and go get a mammogram. You have the right and duty to care only about your health today.  


We attracted businesses and celebrities to convince women
- to skip the gym
- not to go shopping
- to skip house chores
Famous Ukrainian athlete Anita Lutsenko helped us convey main idea to women.
Do not be "a good girl" for others, dedicate just one day only to yourself.


It's an incredible pleasure to see the campaign evolving and more people joining the initiative.
